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In this article, we discuss the intuitive knowledge mothers have of their unborn baby. We propose a shift in focus from caregivers' merely providing information to first listening to pregnant mothers as they share their intuitive knowledge of their baby. This approach enables mothers and fathers or partners to know they are already parents to their unborn baby and empowers them to get in touch with their baby's presence and who he or she is during pregnancy. This intuitive knowledge may be a protective behavior that will enable mothers to keep babies safe during pregnancy.  相似文献   
婚姻关系中的著作权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
著作权(亦称版权)能否成为夫妻间的共同财产权,如果可以,那么夫妻双方在婚内如何行使权利,离婚时又如何分割这部分财产?这既是婚姻法和知识产权法共同面临的一个重要的理论问题;也是司法实践中需要解决的一个现实问题。本文拟结合一则典型案例,对该问题进行较系统的阐释。  相似文献   
要:从变压器原理出发,考虑农用变压器的运行特点,通过计算和分析得出,对64标准变压器实行换铁芯改造后,容量约可降低一级,但在低负载率下的运行损耗低于86标准同容量的变压器.研究了按73标准生产的变压器,在进行换线圈改造前后容量的变化关系.并由计算得出,铜易铜的线圈改造方案虽然降容幅度很大,但在1/4以下低负载运行时节能效果显.铝换铜的改造,不但可以保持容量不变,而且在农用变压器低负载率运行时,也具有节能效果.  相似文献   
在大学生道德生活中,人文性缺失很严重。本文旨在通过对大学生道德生活人文性缺失及解决路径的研究,揭示当前高校德育缺乏针对性、实效性的深层原因,为高校改进德育、提高德育效果提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
针对传统车辆检测算法不能自适应地完成复杂道路场景变化下提取车辆特征的问题,结合焦点损失、K-means聚类与mobilenet网络,提出改进的RFB-VGG16与RFB-MobileNet模型进行车辆检测。从开源数据集UA-DETRAC的24个视频中每隔一定帧数抽取8 209张已标注的图片构成数据集,在相同的超参数与训练策略下,改进后RFB-VGG16网络的AP值比原模型提高了3.2%。基于mobilenet网络重新设计RFB骨架网络,使RFB-MobileNet模型在牺牲一定性能的情况下,具有更快的检测速度,能较好地满足监控视频对车辆检测实时性的要求。  相似文献   
基于光束传播法(beam propagation method,BPM),提出了聚合物光纤在受到拉力和压力产生形变的情况下的光传输的理论分析模型,模拟计算了光纤受拉力作用时形变区域的光强传输情况.  相似文献   
全宗号管理新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全宗号是档案馆(室)给定每个全宗的代码,目前至少有3种档案案卷缺失,这造成了档号不全,识别不清、统计不实、管理不严的严重后果。全宗号缺失的基本原因是学理性解释误导、社会档案意识滞后、法规执行不到位。解决全宗号缺失的主要方法是建立馆外全宗号体系,包括家庭档案全宗号、集体档案全宗号和特殊单位档案全宗号。  相似文献   

In the UK, approximately 1 in 29 children have experienced the death of a parent or sibling. It is argued that schools are suitably positioned to provide support to bereaved children. However, there is a gap in research exploring bereavement support provision (BSP) in primary schools. This paper presents the qualitative phase of a mixed-methods study which aimed to gain insight into BSP in primary schools in one UK Local Authority. After completing an online questionnaire, 16 school staff took part in semi-structured interviews. The findings of this study highlighted that BSP is characterised by emotional support and other indirect responses. A key finding is that providing emotional support to a bereaved child has a negative impact on the emotional well-being of staff. This study discusses how educational psychologists (EPs) are well placed to provide whole school and targeted bereavement support to children and school staff.  相似文献   
Many zeotropic refrigerant mixtures are proposed as alternatives to some chlorofluorocar-bons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs). An advantage of zeotropic mixtures is the possibility of reduction in entropy generation by matching the temperature glidings of refrigerant and heat-transfer fluid in both condenser and evaporator. Zeotropic mixtures are compared with pure re-frigerants to evaluate their exergetic losses. On the other hand, the special phenomena which result from temperature gliding are proved by experiments. A simple equation is obtained, to evaluate dif-ferent zeotropic mixtures' exergetic losses. The maximum flow rate of heat-transfer fluids is found in order that refrigerants phase change can be completed. Lastly, some examples of zeotropic mix-tures ( R407C, R405A and R414B) are given, and their exergetic losses and maximum flow rate of heat-transfer fluids in condenser are forecasted.  相似文献   
董事因故意或者重大过失对第三人的损害赔偿责任,我国《公司法》对此缺乏一般性规定,这对于未上市的股份公司的第三人利益保护是非常不利的。分析我国股份公司董事对第三人赔偿责任立法现状及其不足,认为应当通过公司法做出诸如股份公司董事对包括债权人在内的第三人损害赔偿责任的原则性规定、区分不同种类董事的赔偿责任以及改进董事责任保险制度、完善股东诉讼机制和导入债权人派生诉讼制度等措施来适度强化董事民事责任,保护第三人利益,实现公司相关者利益的合理平衡,最终促进经济发展。  相似文献   
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